Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Iced tea cubes

There’s something to be said about summer in Montreal. There’s the farmers markets, bike rides along the canal, fireworks in the Old Port, free outdoor concerts, the Comedy festival, microbrews…
Yet somehow most of my nights out have ended almost the same way. In.
In a bakery, in a restaurant, in the kitchen

Start night: Chez Serge, working up the nerve to ride the mechanical bull. (In hand, a drink served out of a child’s sand bucket. Yes, the versatility!)
End night: In 24 hr Fairmont Bagels, mentally noting that the dozen 4 bagels I have are to be shared with the roommates

Start night: A nice scenic bike ride around the city
End night: Devouring a platter of naan and tandoori chicken in Little India while enthusiastically discussing between mouthfuls what other “scenic” places we could bike to next (like Chinatown for some dessert)

Start night: Going to Parc La Fontaine to get some sun
“Oh look, La Banquise! Aren’t they supposed to have the best poutine in Montreal?” “Shouldn’t we try it and see?”

“Yes, Yes I know we just ate.”


“I want a steak. … Yes I know its 11:30pm. … The grocery’s still open isn’t it.”

“OOO Ice cream!! … Yes, I know we just got ice cream at the other stand but this one’s GELATO!”

So I dub thee, Montreal Summer 2011, the summer of good food. I guess its fitting that it has led to the start of this food blog, since food really does occupy a disproportionate amount of my daydreams anyways.

Recently, my food daydreams have led to these iced tea ice cubes. I’m a tea fanatic. Don’t mess with my tea. But admittedly, there’s not a whole lot of motivation to brew up a hot cup of tea in 30C weather. And store bought iced teas are so sugary, I’d much rather get my sugar from ice cream thank you very much. These tea cubes are great because they can be made in big batches and popped into water or most beverages for an icy refresher with a little caffeine punch that won’t water down your drink. Plus teas are full of antioxidants that are good for you. So there’s that.

To make them, all you need is to brew up 2 cups of your favourite black tea, spice tea, herbal tea etc. using double/triple the tea that you would normally use for a cup of tea. Pour the semi-chilled tea into an ice cube tray, freeze and pop out whenever. There’s a spice tea I really like called Bangal spice from Celestial Seasonings. Herbal teas are good if you just want the flavour without the caffeine and generally loose green teas with bigger leaves have lower caffeine content than the tea bags.

Oh and if you want to add them to a cocktail, well more antioxidants for you.  

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