Thursday, October 13, 2011

Power smoothie bowl

This past week I turned 21, which set the backdrop for some of the following events to take place:
1. Going rock climbing with my boyfriend. He was good. I was not. He is also good at drunk riding mechanical bulls. Yes these things impress me. Really he is just more life savvy than me which is why I stick with him.    
Then he suggested some activities we could do in between rock climbing and dinner, like “We could go to the art museum or it’s such a nice day we could walk along the canal…”
“Mmm I’m kind of tired. OOO want to walk to Costco?”
 “I thought you were tired.”
“Okay, or we could go to the Premiere Moisson bakery.
“What, a bakery?”
“You want to go to the bakery.”

2. Where I had the most delicious macaroony thing with layers of chocolate mousse and raspberry jam. And left holding a cake made of 70% chocolate to “share” at dinner later. (It’s my birthday! What are calories on this day.)  

3. For dinner, having strategically picked a restaurant that is “bring your own wine,” our group considerately showed up with enough wine for everyone at the restaurant (though none was offered). And if you couldn’t already guess that a classy night was ahead, how about it being foreshadowed by a birthday speech by my two best friends to Ludacris’s “whats your fantasy”. Semi rapped. In a nice French restaurant. Where actual grownups were also eating.
4. Highlight of the night? Walking out of the restaurant and going from almost getting a drinking-in-public ticket to having a police man get out of his police car to kiss me on the cheek happy birthday (yay birthday!)
5. The night ended at one of my favourite bars, where the entire beer garden sang happy birthday (although for a few choruses all that could be heard was my one friend Chloe and me telling her to “staaaaap it”)

Wait did I mention my birthday was on a Wednesday? Smack dab in the middle of the school week. So all this to say that 21 year old me did not handle waking up after a full day of activities to 3 back to back morning classes well the next day. I find that when these nights arise, what helps in the morning is a (soluble) breakfast high in nutrients. Like this smoothie bowl. And with the new possession of a food processor birthday present as well as a 5 kg bag of oats and 1kg bag of frozen blueberries after a trip to Costco, this smoothie can now be at my disposal whenever. I think you should make it too. (And I promise you won't even be able to taste that there's spinach in this.) 

1/3 cup frozen blue berries (a handful)  
1/3 cup baby spinach leaves (a handful)
3 tablespoons of oats (optional)
3 spoonfuls of yogurt
Half a banana
Splash of milk 

1. Put everything into a food processor and blend. (If using oats, you can soak the oats in the yogurt overnight for a more doughy texture, or add them straight to the food processor.)
2. Pour everything into a bowl and top with granola if desired.  Spoon into mouth and feel better. 


  1. Annie, this is pretty much the best thing ever. The birthday and the smoothie bowl. I make smoothies like that all the time 'cause I'm bad at cooking and never eat enough veggies. Also works with kale and coconut milk!
    Will you be back in Vancity for Christmas?


  2. Hey Lorelei it's so good to hear from you! I'm definetly going to try that combo. I will let you know if I'm home for winter break so we can catch up.


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